

Since the 1990s, Detlev Bork has published articles in various specialist journals (Staccato, Classical Guitar Magazine, Gitarre & Laute, Ensemble, Scala, etc.), has been giving lectures and courses at many international festivals and was involved as scientific officer in the new edition of the encyclopaedia MGG (\u2018Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart\u2019).<\/p>

Guided by his guitar teacher, Detlev already dealt with interpretative problems and especially with forgotten or unknown repertoire as a teenager. With his passion for collecting, over the years he has compiled one of the world\u2019s largest archives of recordings of classical guitar music and flamenco guitar. The archive now consists of a good 8000 records, CDs, 78rpm and MCs and is regularly consulted by researchers and artists. <\/p>

His important collection of sheet music not only includes rare sheet music editions from the 19th and early 20th centuries, but also rare manuscripts from the late 18th and 19th centuries. Based on these archives, as well as through contacts with artists, their descendants and research colleagues from all over the world, various lectures have emerged, including <\/p>